
Thumbs up to THE VILLAGE, Thumbs Down to Focus on the Family (a Nazi group, essentially)

I just want to say two quick things today:

  1. I saw "The Village" last night for the first time...what a trippy movie!!! I was seriously shocked. It was great, really.
  2. Focus on the Family sucks. They really, really do. One of their reviewers said this about Brokeback Mountain, "Abhorrent... There are sure to be many left wing awards for this twisted, laughable, frustrating, plotless, and boring piece of homosexual, Neo-Marxist propaganda." It just makes me really mad....BUT, even though I have a GREAT disgust of comments like that, he has a right to say them. And Focus on the Family (even though I despise them so) has a right to preach its close-minded, hateful messages. Because where would we be if we were to deny people the right to the 1st Amendment?

Ok, so that's all for today....really random, I know.

Oh! I lied, there is one more thing I need to say (duh)... Happy New Year's Eve!!! It will soon be 2006. I believe it will be a smashing year!


A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere...

I'm posting about music two days in a row...eh, who cares?

Isn't that line up there in the title beauuuuuuuutiful?

Yes, yes it is. And I have found a new love. I've heard of them before...but I just recently heard their songs. You know when you find a song that speaks to you in some way? That grabs your heart with a clenched fist and forces it to beat in syncronation with the drums?

This band is like that. You may have heard of them...they're called Death Cab for Cutie. Their songs are simply gorgeous.

I have other great loves: Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke, Incubus, Sheryl Crow...there are a few others. Each of those artists have made at least one song that has awakened my soul just a little. It's a funny thing when you've never heard a song and it still stops you in your tracks. Where you listen just a little harder to the meaning, and search every note of the song, relishing in its instruments. I love songs like that. Who wouldn't?

I'm the girl who doesn't talk during good songs. You know, when you're driving in the car with me and we're having a great converstation...then a good song comes on and I go quiet. I might as well be in a coma. Don't take it as an insult. I just love music, and you have to live in it while it's playing and give your full attention. You gotta pay your respects to that beautiful song, and let it be the only thing that fills the space.

Really now, that's beautiful.


Since You've Been Gone...

Dammit. I have to confess a little secret I've been hiding.

I'm secretly a big Kelly Clarkson fan. Man!!

I triiiiiiiiiied to refrain from buying the CD! Tried to change the channels on the radio when her overplayed songs would come on!!! Tried to deny American Idol when it first came out!

But I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't change those stations. I even found myself moving my lips to to those Top 40 songs. Yes--I would sing to Kelly Clarkson.

So I finally let the secret out, and gave into my guiltiest pleasure...BUT THEN...guess what happened???

As I go to succumb to my desires, and search the shelves for Clarkson at the record store...what do I find?

NOTHING!!! Kelly was SOLD OUT. Went to the next record store....SOLD OUT. Drove over to Best Buy. Was Kelly there? Nope, she had been kidnapped from the shelves there, too.

I even resorted to calling a few stores...all of them gave the same answer "We have no more in stock, sorry." One store (stupid Walmart) hung up on me. Guess that was a no.

The madness and irony of it all!!!! I finally go to buy the CD, the one CD I've been denying all this time, and it's SOLD OUT!!!! What is this, some kind of sold out epidemic?? Forget about the bird flu.

I guess I'll just have to wait for new shipments to come in. Until then, I'll despretly seek radio stations for Kelly's songs...or hum myself to sleep with "Breakaway."

(Yes, I understand I sound desperate in this post. Damn Kelly Clarkson!! Look what you've turned this respectable human being into!!!)


I'm so horrible!!

God I'm horrible. Guilt is NOT a fun emotion.

You that guy that took me on the date, and I said he was boring and not funny, blah blah blah? Yeah. Well he called today and left a message. And as you know, I don't want to date the guy, right?

Well, the respectable thing to do is to call him and tell him. That's the nice thing to do. But I am a big wuss. What do I do? Give him a text message. Why can't I just suck it up and call?? Because I'm horrible. The text message said something to the effect of:

"Hi Mike. Sorry I'm not calling, but I hate phone calls (which is actually true). I don't think that you should call me anymore. We just don't have the same sense of humor. I hope you understand. Thanks Anyway!"

I am so horrible!! And it's not about saving his feelings, it's about saving mine...cause I am being so selfish right now. I just hate hearing reactions. It's not like I'd be hurting him, he doesn't know me!!

Oh well, it's over now. I just feel bad. And I like to make a big deal out of things--like you can see now. But that's the way I am.

At least I contacted him somehow. I could have just not called him back. I'm SUCH a big wuss!!


Let me clear my throat...

And make a toast (just imagine) to all of you fine people. I just want to say...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Or, you know, whatever holiday you are celebrating (I think hatleyman has his own religion).

Anyway, I know it's early to be wishing this, but I have to work tomorrow until 7, and then proceed to entertain my nephews who will be visiting. Those little rugrats will try to wrestle me again, I just know it. In other words, I'll be busy babysitting little demon children. I love them still.

Hope your holiday season is boooooooootyful and full of joy.


Blogging Buddies

Blogging is, well, a little strange at times...don't you agree? I don't know most of you in person, yet I tell you what's going on in my life...and you people actually comment on it. That's insane, really.

A month ago or so, someone random stumbled across my page and said "Wow...you have a crazy bunch of bloggers here..." or something to that effect. And, I do. You all are insane people. I mean that in the nicest way, of course. Hey--insane people are usually geniuses. That's a compliment, so take it!

Anyway, I've been meaning to put all of you in my links. But I'm lazy. So I'm going to put you in this post, and tell you (and all strangers that may stumble across this page) why you and your blog are cool. Can't you tell I have a lot of free time on my hands now?

Let's start with Thomas. Some of you may know Thomas. I've been reading his blog for, oh, at least 5 months now...well, since summer. This was before he had like 20 comments on his posts (appreciate your original fans, Thomas!). His blog used to be called "If you write it, they will laugh," but Thomas got bored one day and changed it to "Slackers With Advanced Degrees." Don't ask me why, I just don't know. All I know is that Thomas is a smartass. He knows it. He's proud of it. And most of the time I enjoy his smartass-ness. He has a heart, too. He loves his niece, afterall. If you like politics and sarcasm--then Thomas has the blog for you.

Next person?

Hatleyman, of course. This guy is absolutely i n s a n e. I am not kidding. Seriously. He has LOST his mind. It amuses me greatly, actually. He has the sense of humor that makes me go "what?????" and then just laugh...a lot. Well, he is from Texas, which explains his craziness. Thomas is from Texas, too...you crazy Texans. Hatleyman reminds me a lot of Southpark--he's not politically correct, EVER, and is just completely off the wall. And simply, I love it. If you want to know what it feels like to be on acid, visit his site.

Who's next?? Ahhh...yes.

Gangster. Gangster doesn't update his blog as much as, let's say, Thomas (ha). But his posts are wonderful, still. And this guy is clever...really clever. I enjoy his humor and his advice. Oh, and he always puts the most, uh, interesting pictures in his profile. And he likes to ask super random questions...still, he's good at reading people, and acting as a therapist of sorts. I believe he enjoys it. Thanks Gangster for your input. If you like seeing disturbing profile pictures and anwering random questions, Gangster is the one for you.

You want more? Ok...

Matthew. Matthew loves cooking, and kitchen appliances in general. It's true. He seems to love his family a lot and talks about them all the time. He knows Thomas (they are both lawyer buddies), which could be a sign of trouble (only kidding). He gives me a lot of advice on school...which I always appreciate. Also, he is a man from Texas (why would you people live there?). If you like hearing about what Matthew is cooking up for dinner or what's going on with his job, check out his site!


Ahhh...Anthony. Sorry, I have to use your real name here! Anthony is honest, painfully honest, and reading his blog is like reading a novel. He's poetic--a true master with lyrics...and his posts often times are melodic and beautiful. He gives me advice and I give him advice--give and take, my friends. He is a guy that really cares and that really gives his heart in full. Guys--take note...Anthony knows how to really love a girl. You should read one of his posts, if you haven't already, and see how big this guy's heart is.


Matt (Mcmullan). Not that Matt is really looking for an audience. But I find him amusing, really amusing, so I figure I should share the laughter. Yes, indeed he is funny. Hilarious, in fact. And I've been reading his blog the longest. He keeps me entertained without trying to entertain--I just don't think he fully realizes his writing capabilities. I believe he has natural humor...you know...the kind of humor that is witty and quick, so quick you wonder how they thought of it so fast. Anyway, he's endearing--he tells the gritty truth. And I enjoy that he's a journalist. Really, he touches on all subjects--I especially like his crazy movie reviews. I'll always be a fan of his writing...so hopefully he'll always write.

So yeah...those are my bloggers! I could go into Michelle's blog too, but she knows I adore her, anyway. Plus her blog is intended to be a little more private. So maybe I'll put you all in my links, sometime. Yeah...someday.

Oh, and I realize that there are other people who have commented here, but I may not know them well enough to write about them.

To those mentioned above--thanks for reading my blog, you know I love reading all of yours.

Christmas-y and Content

What is it? 11:30 almost? Haha, yep. AND I'm still in my pajamas. This. is. the. life.

Yesterday I sold back my books to my school and got back $60. Which doesn't compare to $300 I paid for them. Such is life. After the guy told me all the prices he'd give me, he then asked, "So, would you like to sell them back?" I said, "YES! TAKE THEM, pleeease! Just take them! Especially this green book, I hated this class." Which was true--the green book belonged to Communications (shudder).

It felt good to rid myself of those books, to cleanse myself of that semester. Sadly, it was probably my worst semester to date. But I am going to change that...plus, I've never gotten Straight A's before...I've come close, but no stinkin' cigar! That would make my year if I could get straight A's. I just may shoot for that next semester.

This little Christmas Break will do me good--give me time to rest and collect myself. And then proceed to kick ASS next semester. Oh yes, I will be kicking major ass.

Oh yeah, and I need to finish Pride & Prejudice over this break (right michelle?). It's imperative that I read the way it all ends in the book for Darce and Lizzy. Awww...love in books.

Yay! 3 more days until Christmas!!


You know you're not that interesting when I'd rather talk to a wall.

So, about that date. Well...not much to talk about. The guy's name is Mike. And he's nice.........but (hah, there's always a but after nice, huh?)....he really didn't make me laugh. Like, at all. If you can't make me laugh, well, you might as well be dead to me...I might as well just go the grave yard and talk to dead corpses.

Ok, so that's a little harsh. But all my best friends? Funny. My family? Funny. If you're gonna be in my life, dammit, you have to be funny. Not as funny as Ellen DeGeneres, but you gotta make me smile just a little bit...COME ON!

And...I asked this guy about his major, right? And here's how that went:

Me: so what's your major?
Mike: Business
Me: Cool. Do you know what you want to do with it?
Mike: No, not really.
Me: So, why did you get into it? Why do you like business?
Mike: I don't really...I don't like school. I just picked a major that will make me a lot of money.

Ewwwwwwww! Gag me with a stick. Or, actually, gag me with that wad of money you're gonna sell your soul for. Really now, I want to date someone with a PURPOSE in life. If nothing else--to be a stand up comedian, so at least I can laugh with the person.

So....haha. That sums up the night. I'm back home right now, and it is officially Christmas Break (I've said that already this week. I'm so repetitive!).

And you can tell I have free time cause I posted like 3 times today. Well, nevermind, it's Wednesday now...huh? Whatever...I just know I'm glad that my brain can recooperate.



Um yeah...

So in about 10 minutes, I'm going to go on that date I talked about earlier. Nervous? Yeah, a little....I don't know the guy!

But I stress over little things all the time, so I'd be nervous even if it was someone I knew.

It should be interesting. I'll tell you how it goes later. I just don't know what to think or feel at this time.

First impressions are weird, and I'm about to go make one.

I'm Still Standing

YAY!!!! I passed my Communications Class!!! Woooooohooooooo! I was seriously on the borderline, and I got a 43/50 on the exam, which pushed my grade up to a 70%....and my teacher doesn't give minuses (cause I couldn't get a C- since this is a class for my major). I feel very, very relieved.

I've learned my lesson, oh YES I have:
  1. I will not take on too much next semester, that was my downfall.
  2. I will focus more on my major and school in general than my sorority (it's about time).
  3. I will ACTUALLY do my readings (but, haha...I say that every semester).

This is my worst semester grade wise, and I'm not having that again. I'm simply better than that.

Plus, my dad and I have a bet that he'll give me $100 if I beat his G.P.A. in college, which was a 3.3. And I don't wanna lose the bet and have to give him $100. Yeah, he's smart to bring out my competitive side, and I will beat it.

Oh....I forgot to mention....it's Christmas Break for me now!!!! I'm pretty happy now. :)


I despise Communications, therefore it is going to have to die. And I will kill it.

Today I take my Communications Final Exam. It is my last exam before my cage door is opened and I can fly away into Christmas Break. This, also, is an important test for me. I NEED to do good on it.

I am going to study until I die. or, you know, until 3:30....when my test is.

haha...I'm listening to Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" right now. It's only fitting. That's right, MJ, I won't stop 'til I get enough.

Communications is GOING DOWN TO CHINATOWN. I am going to get a GREAT grade on this damn test. Cause I don't ever want to take this class again. I would have to slit my wrists if that happened. And really people, I don't want to do that.

Alright, back to studying....then my test....then Christmas Shopping!! The madness of it all!!!!



I got a C in my humanities class. Which is frustrating, cause I don't think I deserved a C. I think I least worked my way up to a B.

W h a t e v e r....god. This class was just SUCH a rollercoaster. it sucks!!! I kind of wish I wouldn't have put so much time into it if I was just gonna get a C.

I wanna throw something, cause I absolutely HATE C's!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate them, hate them, HATE THEM!!!

Note to Self: Next semester I am not going to get ANY C's. Not one.

....Okay, off to study for Communications. My LAST final.


two to go...

Have you heard that song from James Blunt called, "You're Beautiful?" It's, well...beautiful. Oh, love songs, how I love you so...yet, I don't have a love. Why is that?

Geeeeez, I'm talking to inanimate objects again.

I've taken 3 finals so far and I have two more to go. I wrote an essay today for journalism in 2 hours, and it was due today (haha). And... it is a damn good essay. Gosh, I'm such a pro sometimes.

I cannot wait for break...............SO excited. Just two more finals, just two...


Ok, ok...What????

I am so confused at the moment. So VERY confused. What just happened??????

Ok, two things:
  1. That humanities professor who almost made me cry, whom I called an elitist bastard (and still is), who I thought HATED my writing with a passion--he gave me an A on my final paper. That paper is worth 25% of my grade. What the fucking hell??? I am so so so very confused. Slap me, will you?
  2. This was also something that happened out of nowhere: This guy in my humanities class (no, not cute Nick) asked me on a date today...after our final on all days. What the hell? Where did that even come from?? I'm talking to him about our final, right, waiting for Michelle's ass to come out of the room and finish her test...and this is like the first time I've talked to him, really...you know, more than one sentence at least. And he walks away with the rest of the group (cause there was a group there) and then he walks back down the hall like 3 minutes later, and says "Hey, would like to go for coffee sometime?" So, I say yes...cause he is kinda cute (with his little glasses and all) and he's one of the smart guys in class (which is always attractive). I guess...I'm just surprised.

Ok, so I'm rambling now...I'm just shocked at these two events that happened today, literally 5 minutes after one another.

Obviously, I don't go on dates that often, which is why I'm so shocked. Cause for NORMAL people, this would probably not be a big deal.

I told you I was a dork. Wow....it's always funny what can happen in a day.


After Four Hours of Studying, Just Add Seasoning!

Trying to get to this site, I typed in www.blooger.com , haha.

I'm special sometimes.

Dude...I studied for 4 hours today. Humanities, you kill me sometimes! And I still have to study more for it. But, if you want to know the connection between symbolism, allegory, hierarchy and truth, I could tell you. Right Michelle? Even if we weren't supposed to make a connection, haha.

I told Michelle today that studying for that long showed me what frying your brain in a pan would feel like. And since it's humanities, it would be like frying your brain and adding italian seasoning, french seasoning and every other freakin' cultures' seasoning.

Yes. Studying does in fact make me think strange, strange thoughts.

Ok, now I have to study for Geology. Cause I have a final. Tonight. It never ends, does it?

I go from studying....to studying....to eating....to studying....to writing on "blooger"....to studying....to studying some more. What a viscious cycle.


No Stress, Just Bon Jovi

I can't let myself get too stressed out this week. I will not, I will not, I will not. I sound like the little engine that could when I repeat myself, haha.

I finished my essay! Well, mostly...there still needs to be finishing touches added. I had to finish my essay in the library last night, and this guy sits next to me and then proceeds to talk to his friend the whole time. I wanted to scream at him. WHAT is he doing in the library if he's gonna talk the whole time he's there??? It's FINALS week and we're in the LIBRARY, buddy. That combination of items means shut the hell up cause I'm trying to study/write a paper.

People are stupid.

On a good note: Today is the last day of classes. Yay! Double Yay!

On another good (random) note: John Bon Jovi is still really hot. Isn't he in his 40's or something? Oh, I heart brown eyes.

ALWAYS good to bring up good things during such times of stress. Like the hotness of little Johnny down below. He can help me study anytime.

Will you sing "I'll Be There For You" to me John?

haha. I am such. a. dork.


Jingle Bells, Finals Smell....

I played as many Christmas songs as possible last night. Yeah, I played everything. I even played "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy," biiiiiiitches.

All the while, Rachel and I were dancing around our room and planning what we are going to do for a Christmas Party we're holding Tuesday night (oh, and Michelle...if you are reading this, you are cordially invited, haha). Of course, we were avoiding homework as much as possible.

And right now, as I am writing this post, I am avoiding the dark cloud that is hanging over my head. Today is December 12th, 2005--and here begginith finals week.

By the way, did you know there is a song called "Rudolph the Deepthroat Reindeer?" HORRIBLE. That is simply HORRIBLE. And a little funny.

Alright! Onward I go to the land of study, although I wish to stay in Bloggerland, that wish shall not be granted at this time.


Writing Essays for Bastards, Oh What Fun!

Oh man. I'm TRYING to write an essay right now, trying. And it's going alright. But this is a monster of an essay, cause it's for a monster of a teacher.

Have I talked about my humanities prof before? Oh yeah, I did. He's the one who almost made me cry in his office. He is one elitist son-of-a-bitch, let me tell you. Mr. High and Mighty is definitely hard to impress. Especially cause he's the one that's not fond of my writing. bastard.

So, I'm trying to write a good essay here. Hopefully he'll respect it. I'm not necessarily expecting an A, I just want some respect from the man! Getting a B will suffice.

I juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant schooooooooooooooooool to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee over! I need a break. And I will never take on all that took on this semester again. Cause life is not about working all the time dammit. Sometimes I need to just go frolic in the field, and crap like that, just cause I wanna.

At least I'm finally writing this essay. WHAT a miracle. Took my lazy ass long enough. Pretty soon I'll have a post about finishing the essay and I'll make sure to insert as many smiley faces as possible.


Remember that Child Abuse is Not Pretty:

My teacher showed this slide in class today and I totally cracked up. I never laughed so hard in class!

Arrivederci Wednesday!

Today is my last Wednesday. Woo hoo!

Let me explain: Wednesdays, by far, are my BUSIEST days at school. Four classes in one day (I know, I'm such a baby) and the last one gets out at 9:40 pm...which kills me each time. Next week, however, finals begin (not so happy bout that) and there are no normal class schedules starting wednesday.

That is why I am happy, nay, estatic that this is my last Wednesday! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ah, it puts a smile on my face the way Kool-Aid would on a hot summer's day.

Ok, that was the weirdest analogy ever, so don't pay attention to it.

Lastly, I want to post my *tenative* classes for next semester. Because, although I complain, I school still makes me happy:

Italian 201--reading and speaking italian (my last italian class)
Journalism 315--news writing and editing
Comm 502--law of mass communication (it focuses on libel and such)
Comm 310W--gathering and reporting information
Anthropology 349--Roots of Civilization

I am excited about: Journ 315 and Comm 310W because they are writing classes and 1. I love to write and 2. I know I can boost my G.P.A with those two classes. Also, I have yet to get anything but an A in journalism classes and I INTEND to keep it that way. I'm also excited about anthro cause Rachel will (hopefully) be in that class with me and we can doodle together, like old times.

So yeah...that's all for today. And one more time: Arrivederci Miercoledi (Wednesday)!!


On Frost and the Future

Jack Frost totally payed San Diego a visit, but he's not really that welcome. The people of San Diego get confused when there is frost on their car windshields. We don't understand when the weatherman tells us it's going to be 30 degrees in the morning. We respond with "What? Is the weatherman doing cocaine again?" Basically, San Diego does not understand the word cold, until this morning that is.

On a different note, I made a vow to myself this morning. Maybe the cold weather is making me contemplate my life more, who knows. I vowed that I need to stop worrying about the future so much. Because I really really do. And if I keep up my worrying patterns I'll give myself an ulcer by the time I'm 30.

This, however, is hard to change. It's part of my personality to worry. Even though everyone describes me as laid-back, I'm starting to realize that that's not so true. I just keep my emotions inside and don't freak out in front of people. Not a good thing to do. Not good at all.

So I need to make a change. Of course it needs to be a gradual change.

I just gotta keep telling myself (yes--I'm talking to myself again) to stop worrying about what's ahead. I'm not gonna go broke or end up homeless. I'm gonna be alright. Why worry about the future so much? Why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?

If I were to always worry about the future, then I'd never be living life in the now, EVER, now would I? And then, I might as well not exist.

Time to live in this very minute. And what a lovely minute it is, because I'm in it.


5 Reasons I Am Going Crazy

WHERE has my sanity gone? Who knows. But at least I know what drove it away:

  1. Finals are going to begin next week. Not to mention the test I have tomorrow and the 2 papers I have to write for the beginning of next week. AND here's something REALLY cruel: My last final is December 21st. What is that about?
  2. I ran out of French Vanilla Creamer last week. I NEED cream in my coffee (no, milk is not a good substitute). I NEED coffee to survive the 2 hellish weeks that are around the corner.
  3. I have, like, $19 in my bank account. So sad. At one point (before I entered college) I had like $4,000 dollars in my bank account. When you go to school more and work less it definitely takes a toll. Time for Ashley to save!!! (oh yeah, paying for groceries and electricity does not help).
  4. It's getting cold in San Diego. That alone makes me crazy. This morning it was 47 degrees outside. You might laugh at that, but I can't handle that level of coldness! It is my kryptonite.
  5. I'm definitely not getting enough sleep. I am a grumpy grumpy grumpy girl if I do not get enough sleep. Did I mention that too little sleep makes me grumpy?

So..........yeah. I am definitely losing my sanity. Too many tests, no coffee, no money, cold conditions and lack of sleep will do that to ya.

Where for art thou Winter Break? I'm dreaming of candy canes and chocolate, and DAMMIT, it's not coming soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (excessive use of exclamation marks is also a sign of insanity)


The Walrus and the Carpenter...

Above are two advisors from the Bush Administration.

Heck Yes!

Ok, so tonight is date dance for my sorority, and the theme is "Famous Couples." I chose not to bring a guy as my date cause, well, if you're gonna be my date you gotta know how to really dance. I mean it--you need to twirl me and dip me and all those things. Yeah, you heard right.

So, anyway, I'm going with another girl from my sorority...the FABULOUS Lara. And we are going as, get this...Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I'm Tweedle Dum, heh heh. Maybe if I get a few pictures I'll post them. Especially cause Lara and I found these sparkly red boxers at Target to wear...oh yes, we'll be shiny.

Tonight will be fun :)


Burn, Baby, Burn...Global Inferno!

I get a real kick out of those politicians (mostly Republicans) who believe that Global Warming is a "hoax." I'm especially pointing out a man named James M. Inhofe, a senator from Oklahoma, who used those exact words. Oh, gee, what a smart man. And he is soooo right. I condemn those horrible scientists for cooking up a plot like global warming. How dare them! I always knew scientists were up to no good.

In all seriousness, how can you not believe that global warming is happening? How can you even deny it??? Oh...I know how. You see, paying attention to global warming = cutting down emissions of CO2 = less of a profit for oil and coal industries = making big business CEOs really pissed off = less money for that politician's campaign.

Doesn't it always all come down to money? Yep, for the Bush Administration, it certainly does.

But, not too far in the future, we'll be hearing an apology from President Bush (not just him, but all the presidents that ignored global warming) about how they really screwed up. But it will be too little, too late. This doesn't just affect us, IT AFFECTS THE WHOLE WORLD!! And here, Americans (the ones that are ignorant, at least) are being truly selfish. You want to talk about greed and making money into a god, well just look at President Bush. And he calls himself Christian. Ha! I just love all the contradictions going on here.

Lastly, if you actually don't believe in global warming (besides pretending that you don't believe in it, for the sake of money), well, you are simply stupid. You heard me right. S-t-u-p-i-d. Go google "ice cores" and "Antartica" and maybe you could learn a little.

The world is heating up, my darlings, and we are contributing greatly to it!