
Visiting My Friend's 'Rustic Kitchen'

I'm very proud to blog about my friend's new restaurant, Rustic Kitchen. It's been open for under a month and doing pretty well so far. I love seeing the entrepreneurial spirit in my friend Jaclyn and her husband. I also love seeing (and eating) the very healthy creations they've come up with. Their plan is to have plenty of gluten-free options. They also plan to make their own bread, muffins and sauces. 

I love places like Rustic Kitchen that have popped up in a sea of very hipstery, swanky cafes and bars that insist on using jars as drinking glasses (I'm so over that trend). Instead, here is a place that remains unpretentious and opts for serving healthy, good food. 

Bravo, my friends! 

 Above: My dish. A kale, bacon and avocado salad. This gave me energy for hours! Below: chicken pesto flatbread and salmon with roasted veggies. 

Rustic Kitchen can be found on 819 C Street in Downtown San Diego.

P.S. The lack of blogging in the past week was due to a bad vertigo episode I was having. I think it's finally getting better. *fingers crossed* 


A Three-Sentence Movie Review

The short reviews continue, especially because I've been pretty sick the past week, so the movie watching intake has gone through the roof.

After Earth
Don't they know that the one reason people go to see a Will Smith film is to see Will's humorous, charismatic, charming personality? This role sucked out all of his good qualities and left us with a robotic character that lacked any real depth or humanness. Don't even waste your time on this movie!

High Fidelity
My favorite movie of all time, based on a book written by one the best authors of our generation. Heartbreaking truths are revealed in this story that will awaken you, then comfort you like a Cosby sweater. If you follow intently, this movie can change your life and might even prompt you to make Top 5 lists.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I get why everyone says, "that's a good movie." It's a charming, heart-warming, melancholy affair. The acting is superb because some of the well-knowns in this film didn't know how great they were yet.

Muriel's Wedding
A diamond in the rough. A realistic coming of age story that's achingly sad at one point, but that's just Toni Colette showing her depth as a young actress. Oh, and you gotta love the Abba soundtrack.


Perfectly Acceptable Ashley

It's really very acceptable to:

  • to drink my coffee out of pretty little porcelain cups because it makes the coffee taste better (truth). 

  • to be a wee bit obsessed with HGTV in an insane way. I drop everything when House Hunters International is on, which either helps or worsens my travel bug (not sure which one). And I just looooove when Design on a Dime redecorates rooms with chevron pillows and fake antique furniture. 

  • to be the worst hard-boiled egg peeler in the world. How do people make beautiful deviled eggs when mine turn out so...tortured??

  • to force people to call you Master because you've officially received a Master's. What? This should only go on for another week or so...or something like that.  



This here little blog has reached 1500 posts. How very strange! From something that started as writing practice, I have kept this thing for quite a long time...

...sooo, dear reader, you're kind of a weird one, huh? I mean, some of you have read this for years!!!! What's the matter with you? Well, thanks for sticking around through my geeky, silly and even moody posts. I appreciate the feedback and honestly, I'm not quitting blogging anytime soon. 8 years and counting! 


In My Figuring Out Stage

I'm not sure how to put it, other than, I'm going through it. 'It' has yet to really be defined, but let's call it my Figuring Out stage.

Here's what I know about me: I dwell and overanalyze on a topic until it can't be thought about anymore. It is my strongest and weakest attribute. It makes me a master planner and a strong critical thinker. The downside is it sends me into a tailspin when I'm in transitional phases. I hate being unsure about my next step. But life is a series of unsure moments, so I need to stop getting in a hissy fit about them.

Yes I miss London, yes I'm confused over whether San Diego is still my home and yes (!) I don't have a plan right now. These are all terrifying truths for me to face.

I don't want you to pity me or offer ideas for happiness in the comment section. Honestly, we can't always be happy. This stage and this time are not for me to be overjoyed, but to be figuring out where I want to be. It is a time for busy work, reality and laying a foundation.

I'd like to think in a year I will reread this post and smile at my little freakout of the unknown. I hope by then I get better at embracing what I can't control. 


Fall Pinterest Party!

My crafty friend Rachel (who is taking the speech therapist world by storm, check out her blog!) likes inviting people over to do crafty things.

Whilst I usually like to join in on crafts, I just lounged and watched other people being crafty while I ate the good food. Don't judge me. I had seen Prisoners earlier that day and it took all the creative energy outta me (see my review).

Rachel called it a Pinterest Party because some of the snacks and crafts were inspired by good ol' Pinterest. Take a look, find some inspiration!

 A sort of witches' brew that Rachel made. It bubbled up when you poured in club soda. Brilliant! 

 Rachel, Miss Crafty Pants. 

 Tux was ordered to stay in his crate at first, but we had to let the guy out. I mean, look at those eyes! 

I suppose my "craft" was creating this blog post. =)

And in case you're wondering, yes...Rachel is one of those "Pinterest People" that makes everything perfect and amazing looking. I mean, it's utterly disgusting. But I forgive her for it because we've been friends a long time. And sometimes she makes me stuff.


A Three-Sentence Movie Review

Trying a new thing in where I offer short movie reviews--all of three sentences in length. Mostly because reading reviews can get tedious. Sometimes it's just about getting to the point!


I was introduced to a new fear of floating in space, but I'd still visit just for that killer view of the Earth. Great performance from Sandra, as always; however, the script was just a little dry in certain spots. The movie made me think about vulnerability, but maybe doesn't live up to all the hype.


I honestly felt depressed after the film was finished. It was so tense and upsetting that it ranks up there with Schindler's List. However, Jake Gyllenhaal's performance was so on point you might want to see it anyway.


Predictable.  But, oh, what nerdy fun to watch!!!! The graphics really impressed me and Maaaaaaatt Daaaaaaaamon never does too wrong in my book.

It's a Disaster

Really morbid and made me google 'effects of VX gas.' The characters were somewhat believable, although sometimes I really question the acting ability of Julia Stiles (depends on the movie). This is what you get for a Netflix instant movie. 


Favorite Thing Thursday

These are a few of my favorite things...

1. Epsom Salts

If you haven't taken a bath with a handful of epsom salts in it, then you haven't taken a real bath. I'm not sure of the science behind magnesium sulfate, but it WORKS.

2. Motown Night at El Dorado

We found a bar in San Diego that spins Motown classics and other oldies every Wednesday night. Because, when James Brown demands you to, "Get up offa that thing," you listen.

3. This guy singing on the highway to people. 

Happy Thursday! 


Adams Avenue Street Fair

The Adams Avenue Street Fair is a unique fair in that it's centered mostly around music.

 And food, of course. 

 These are cupcakes made with beer. San Diego has become craft beer obsessed. 

 You may not be able to tell what this is, but it's the greatest contribution Canadians have made to the world. Poutine!!!

Remember Churro??? Since I live in the same country as him again, you'll see him on the blog more. 

 I caught some good performances. My favorite was Big Black Delta (below): 

Seriously though, check them out (I love the girl drummer): 

Even more than that, I love their white hipstery dance moves (but seriously, that's a thing). I love watching white hipsters dance...

The fair is an annual thing and began with a group of policemen performing in the 80s, but has expanded to what must be a hundred performers. Best part? It's free :)